Saturday, May 14, 2011

Speaking with your Spirit Guides - Developing a Relationship With Those Chosen to Walk This Life With You

I was seven years old.  I had gone to sleep for the night, troubled about something.  I don't quite remember what, but my parents were in the middle of a custody battle for my brother and I, so I worried a lot as a small child.  In the dark of that particular night, I rose up to a clear blue sky.  There were large, white puffy clouds and a vibrant rainbow in the background.  There were one or two beings standing on each cloud, speaking  peacefully amongst themselves.  The cloud closest to me had the most beautiful, dynamic being I had encountered in my current life.  He was about 5'9", trim, wore a beautiful white outfit that looked to be of shimmery silk, and had clear blue eyes and short, bright blonde hair.  I wondered to myself if he was God, because I had never felt such strong, pure, infinite and unconditional love permeating through the air all around me.  He told me his name was Eric and he was my Spirit Guide.  He infused me telepathically with the comforting knowledge that he was with me every moment of my life and was always there to guide and inform me. I stayed for a while soaking up the love and joy, until the start of my day called me back to consciousness.

This encounter with my Spirit Guide has always remained with me and held close to my heart.  It reminds me of the type of kid I was and allows me a better understanding of why.  I followed my intuition and it turned out to be right.  I always "talked to myself" as a child, especially after I went to bed.  I would discuss my day and talk about issues that were bothering me, sometimes role-playing possible scenarios.  I usually started out whispering and this would eventually turn into speaking, followed by my father yelling from the livingroom for me to be quiet - that it was bedtime.  I always knew I was talking to somebody who cared to listen, but it wasn't until after my "dream" that I knew who it was.  I haven't stopped talking since!

I was a bit suprised when a highly clairvoyant friend of mine recently asked me how I connected with my Spirit Guide.  She knew she had a team of them, but had apparently never developed the relationship with hers that I had with mine.  This is why I write this.

In my studies, I have discovered different people have different views as to the number of Guides and Angels one has around them.  I can only speak for me as I have not, at this time, done any research into other's experiences.  I have one guide who has been with me every second of every day since I incarnated.  I have a group of other guides who may have been with me throughout my life, or just for a while.  I've met Red, a Wiccan Herbalist, a husband and wife Chemist team, and a Native American woman from the Blackfoot tribe.  I've met Penelope (who calls herself Penny), my red-headed Guardian Angel, Tigress, a beautiful African looking Angel whose feisty demeanor helps me through the trials I've set for myself, and Nathaniel, an Archangel who is my comforter and wraps love around me when I feel sad or lonely.  I have Reiki Guides, as I am a practitioner, and work regularly with some of the other Archangels, such as Michael, Gabriel and Azrael.  But I've met these beings the same way most everybody else meets theirs.  Through meditation.

I think most of us begin our intuitive journey doubting ourselves.  Afterall, there are multitudes who were told by their parents about our "imaginary friends".  Did it ever occur to you that these "make-believe" playmates were really our Guides, Angels, or loved ones who had already passed on?  Most of us have stories about small children who ask why there's an angel flying over Mommy's bed, or why there's a face floating by the window all the time, only to reveal a light orb in that same area when a picture is taken.  We are all born with psychic abilities, but for most of us, these abilities are not nurtured and so they fall dormant.

As we redevelop our intuition, we laugh at ourselves, brushing off things we see in our mind's eye, or messages we hear within our mind.  We say, "Oh that was just my imagination."  Imagination as defined in the dictionary is - Forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses; The power of reproducing images stored in the memory.  Since our intuition is considered a sixth sense, it's accurate that these concepts would not be predominantly present to our physical senses, although sensations do sometimes accompany spiritual guidance - such as goosebumps or the hair standing up on the back of your neck.  It is also speculated that we choose our guidance team as well as our lives before incarnating and we carry those memories with us to this life.  So reproducing information in our minds is, in fact a memory that we brought with us from the Spirit World.  Everything that manifests begins in the imagination.  Perhaps this is why Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."  Imagination is the part of our mind that connects us to the Higher Realms.

We each experience spiritual guidance in different ways.  Some of us hear voices inside our mind that do not belong to us.  Sometimes we experience it as our own voices, but we know it's not our own thoughts because it's not spoken in our own personal mannerism.  Others see mental images in their third eye, much like a daydream vision.  Still others will experience an innate "knowing" whose origins cannot be explained.  Sometimes a physical sensation is accompanied by this guidance, or if we are very kinesthetic people, it may actually be our guidance.  For example, maybe one day you're having a casual conversation with a stranger and your chest begins to feel slightly tight and your breathing becomes a tad labored.  You brush it off as a side-effect of your new exercise regime, but maybe this person's spouse recently died of a heart attack and you've just picked up on it.

My Spirit Guide usually speaks to me in his own voice inside my head, but spirit world messages rain down on me every day.  A thought that instantly pops into my head, a friend I think of who calls me 10 minutes later, a ringing in my right ear, looking at the clock to see it's 4:44 or some other repetitive number, the song playing on the radio when I turn my vehicle on, seeing or hearing a certain person's name numerous times throughout the day, and dreams I get at night are just some of the examples.  I take nothing for granted. 

Some people advocate meditation as the only way to connect with the spirit realm, however, that doesn't hold true for me.  It may take some practice to feel comfortable holding conversations with your Spirit Guide, but you can start small.  I talk to Eric throughout my day, mostly asking him small questions like, "What's that word I'm trying to say that means....."  or "Will you remind me to pick up the kid's vitamins at the Pharmacy?"  I'm sure some people think I'm weird when they hear me in the grocery store asking out loud where the olives are.  Of course I don't always talk to my Spirit Guide audibly, but sometimes I just can't help it.  Regardless of whether I speak to him in my thoughts, in whispers, or out loud, the great thing is that he always answers!  I've learned throughout the years that if I'm not hearing him, I'm not listening.  You must take stock of your life if you're not receiving messages from your Spirit Guide.  First and foremost, you must think about whether or not you're asking for a message.  We all have free will and our Guide's aren't going to interject guidance if we haven't asked for it.  Pay attention to what issues you're dealing with at the present time.  Sometimes we've got major issues at hand and even though we may be asking for guidance, our own spirit already knows the answer is not the one we want and so our heart isn't in the asking because we really don't want to hear the answer.  It's also wise to be aware of how you most easily receive messages.  You may be expecting to audibly hear an answer when you perceive feelings most predominently.  For me, the way I learn basic things (visually and kinesthetically) are also my strongest perception skills.  You may begin receiving messages through only one avenue, but as you become more comfortable with your intuition and your abilities get stronger, you'll experience other forms of guidance.

I've included two meditations with this article.  One is connecting with your Spirit Guide and the other is connecting with your Angels.  Do them as often as you desire until you feel confident you've met them, know what they look like and maybe hear their voices.  Practice talking to them everyday and if it helps, get a journal and write down advice you feel you're getting, visions, feelings, emotions, and other means of receiving messages.  My greatest source of knowing I'm definitely receiving accurate spiritual guidance is my dearest, clairvoyant friend.  I bounce everything off of her and she validates me by affirming she's received the same message and even adding to what I've told her.  Remember, the more you use it the stronger it gets.

In Light and Love

P.S.  I apologize, I haven't yet figured out how to imbed a video in my articles so here are the links:

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