Monday, May 30, 2011

Protecting Your Energy Body

Most of us have experienced at least one of the following in our lives:

1.) For some reason, every time you're around a certain person (could be a friend, family member, co-worker, etc.) you feel your energy drain right out of you.  You could be in the greatest of spirits and full of energy before you crossed paths, but now you feel tired, sad, depressed, dull, fatigued, or lethargic.  Maybe you feel like you just want to crawl back into bed and forget about the rest of your day.

2.)  Whenever you get off the phone with a loved one, or say your good-bye's after a visit, you feel "off" and you're not sure why.  Perhaps you notice that you have less patience with others, feel angry for no apparent reason, are worrying excessively about nothing in particular, or sense that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

3.)  There is a certain person in your life, or in your past who seems to randomly pop into your head uninvited.  It usually happens suddenly and a bit forcefully, as if that person is vying for your attention right then.  For some reason, whenever this happens, you get an icky and unsettling feeling.  This is probably a person you do not want to be thinking about.  Perhaps this person has hurt you in some way and then suddenly being in your head leads you to focus on them, maybe hashing things out, telling them off, or imagining how karma will rebound on them. 

4.)  For you healers out there.  Whether you're a Lightworker, Bodyworker, Counselor, PT, MD, or any other calling in which you assist others to heal; You notice that after seeing a particular client/patient, your day always seems to lose its luster.  Or maybe you notice that after your third or fourth appointment of the day, you start to feel burnt out.  Perhaps you have even gotten to the point where you wake up in the morning happy that you help people, but dreading actually having to work with them because you know by the end of your day, you have nothing left for yourself.

All of these are examples of having our energy depleted.  The energy body consists of meridians and chakras, which run throughout our physical body, as well as an auric field which surrounds our body.  Science is now discovering the intricacies of the human body and the visible and magnetic presence of our energy system.

Everything in our universe is an energy exchange - from money, to love, to power, to even our own essence.  Sometimes we willingly give our power away to others, sometimes we leave ourselves open and others take our power without our consent.

In my circle of friends, this issue seems to be the topic of recent discussion.  I've also noticed that the many e-mail newsletters I subscribe to have highlighted this issue.  This indicates to me, a shift in human consciousness and a desire for people to have the tools necessary to protect themselves against energies that are not for their highest good, as well as raise their vibration to positively affect those around them. 

For this article, I have compiled a list of different protection methods for you to put in your "Protection Toolbox."  Most of these methods I learned from others and if I happen to remember where I got this information, I will indicate it.  Please feel free to choose the methods that resonate with you, tweak them to make them personal (I'm famous for condensing everything into a 5 second method because I want instant results and have a poor memory).  Whatever you don't like, leave behind.  Maybe someday you'll rediscover that method and it will be the proper time to use it, or maybe you'll never need it.


I have included the following techniques as an aid to be used with other protection methods.  Your attitude towards others has a lot to do with how their energy affects you.  Be your own judge, but in my experience, using these methods alone is not very effective.

Staying Present – Keeping in the moment instead of thinking about what you need to do in the next hour, or worrying about how you’re going to pay a certain bill, allows you more power over your energy system and what gets into it.
Intention – Simply believe that you can't take on other's issues, or that anything that's not yours flow away from you and anything attached to you that’s not conducive to your highest good be removed and transmuted. 
Mindfulness – Mindfulness is the Buddhist practice of awareness.  Mindfulness in regards to protection, is being aware that whatever shows up during your interaction with another is their issue.  Many times, others will project their issues and their personality weaknesses onto us as if it were truly us with these behaviors and issues.  Understanding that it’s actually the other person, you can use other protection techniques to redirect the energy.
Nonjudgmentalism – Another Buddhist practice of noticing things and letting it pass through without giving it any more thought.
Forgiveness – Sometimes forgiveness is more difficult to give if a person has hurt us in some way.  Harboring unforgiveness towards another only hurts us, however.  It gives our power away to that person and allows them to continue hurting us by living in our energy body.  Forgiveness never means we accept or condone their behavior, it equals freedom for us.  Once we are free, we can learn and grow from the pain we were once caused.  Even if the negative person you are dealing with is a stranger standing behind you in the grocery store check-out line, you can forgive her in your heart for the bitterness she’s expressing to you.  This creates an attitude of contemplation and compassion and naturally protects your energy field because you’re not buying in to their drama.
Awareness – Learn to observe others from an objective point of view.  Gauge their attitude, their words, body language, facial expressions, energy (if you know how to do this), and the feeling they give you.  If you sense someone negativity, you can then protect yourself.  Another powerful method of awareness is to learn which of your chakras is weak, so you have a better idea of where you are most likely to be vulnerable and where your negativity settles. Click here to take a 3 minute chakra health quiz.  
Respond – Instead of reacting to others and their negativity, take a breath and respond to the person or situation in love.  Love raises the vibration and will diffuse the situation.  Even if it fails to diffuse it to your liking, you are at least protected from being drawn into the negativity.


Whether you’re meditating for spiritual enlightenment, using hypnosis to quit smoking, visualizing a relaxing scene while sitting in the Dentist’s chair, using Pac-Man mental images to eat your cancer cells, or day dreaming about your dream house – you’re using the visual power of the mind to effect change in your world.  Quantum Physics explains this phenomenon in the movie, What The Bleep Do We Know.  It discusses how your thoughts create neural impulses, which activate the neurological system, which activates the endocrine system to release the proper hormones, which in turn results in our emotions, which then cause us to act or react.  The energy body is real and scientific evidence is now discovering this.  If our thoughts affect our physical body, they also affects our energetic body.  So even if you’re a skeptic on whether or not the following techniques work, know that if you don’t believe in it, it will have far less of an effect, but it will still affect your energy system.

Cord cutting – Anytime you have an altercation of any size, or develop negative feelings towards another person, a thick, black cord is created keeping the two of you connected.  These cords are not healthy because it leaves you open for them to suck your energy away and you can unknowingly pull their negative energy into your field.  To cut cords, imagine that person and see the cord.  It could be located in any area of your body, but is most commonly in one of the main 7 chakras.  It could be thick or thin.  Gently pull the cord from you, then the other person.  Lift the cord up to the ethers and ask the angels to transmute it, then fill you and the other person with white light and bless that person away.
Direct negative energy to the ground – Whenever you sense negative energy coming your way, before it hits your energy field, re-direct it into the ground.
Archangel Michael Vacuuming – Call upon AA Michael and imagine him with a large vacuum hose.  He enters the hose in through the top of your crown chakra to your toes and begins vacuuming all the negativity.  He continues to move up your body sucking up all traces of negativity until he’s completed with your crown.  Next, he flips a switch and out of the hose comes a beautiful, sparkling green healing foam which he fills your body with.  Thank him when he’s completed his work.
The Cleansing Wave – Imagine a fresh, cleansing wave of energy sweeping up and over you, washing away any negativity.
White Light Visualization – White light is associated with the heavenly/other/angelic realm.  Imagine a bright, crystalline white light flowing down from the ethers and entering your crown chakra.  This light flows down through your body, out your feet and up around your body.
Bubble Protection – This method I learned from reading Doreen Virtue's books on Angel Therapy.  Her books are full of different ways to protect yourself and connect with the angelic realm.  In this method, you visualize a layer of bubbles around your body.  First, you will perform the white light visualization explained above.  On top of the white bubble, you will place a pink bubble for angelic love, a green bubble for healing, a steel bubble which is impenetrable to all energies that are negative and not for your highest good, and a mirrored bubble to shine back a person’s own energy onto them and keep negativity away from you.
Golden Light – Visually picture yourself encircled in a magnificent, golden light.  The color gold is linked with divinity, personal power and good health.
Daily Meditation – There are so many types and practices of meditation, I could write a separate article on it.  However, meditation is easy, fun and essential to physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic health.  Click here to learn about the many types of meditation.
Rose Visualization - Visualize you and the person you are interacting with as two roses.  After departing, picture any energy that may have been exchanged between the two of you returning to the appropriate rose.
Yin/Yang Visualization - Visualize a moon on your left side and a sun on your right side. This balances our Yin/Yang energies.
Belly Fireball - See a ball of fire in your abdomen.  This activates your inner light and energy, increasing your personal power.
Pyramid Visualization - Imagine a purple pyramid around you and place mirrors on the outside of it. This raises your energetic vibration and allows any energy lower than yours to be mirrored back with love.
Purple Mesh Barrier – See a large, purple mesh barrier between you and the negative person you are interacting with.  Any negative energy flowing your way will get caught in the mesh.  When you are no longer with that person, imagine a bright white light heavenly light shining through the mesh barrier, dissolving any negativity.
North Star Connection - Connect to the North star and visualize surrounding yourself in the glowing white star light.
Native American Animal Medicine – Natives have used the power of animals for many different purposes, whether it be for healing, wisdom, or protection.  Armadillo represents boundaries.  Whenever you feel the need for protection, imagine and call upon armadillo and he will be there.

Chakras are spinning energy vortices that run throughout our body, with the 7 major chakras placed along the spine.  They vibrate at different frequencies, different colors and oversee different organ systems.  Working with chakras can give you greater power over energetic protection and greater understanding over your physical issues.  To learn more, click here.
Shrink your chakras – Our chakras naturally open to psychically receive energy from the world.  When healing, venturing out in public, or being around negative people, it’s important to shrink your chakras to limit the amount of energy received by others.  Imagine your chakras shrinking down to the size of tiny dots.  Click here to see a video on what chakras are.  
Chakra Cleanse & Balance – Do a quick scan of your chakras, noticing the size, clarity and location of each.  Shrink down those that are too large, open those that are too small so that all chakras are of equal size.  Any chakras that appear dull or dirty, flush with white energy until they appear vibrant again.  Click here to view a Deep Chakra Aura Cleansing, Spiritual Balancing & Healing Meditation.      
Chakra Cleanse With EFT – EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.  It’s a method of tapping on different meridian points while focusing on an issue.  To learn more about EFT, please find EFT listed under the Physical Protection Techniques section.  To follow the video on EFT chakra cleansing, click here.  


It is said that words are more powerful than thoughts because what you think eventually comes out of your mouth.  Therefore what you speak has already taken hold in your mind. 

Mantras – This comes from the Sanskrit word Mantram, which combines the root manas (mind) with tram (protection).  So the literal meaning is mind-protection.  OM is probably the most well known.  It is the sound of all creation and manifestation.  Some popular mantras chanted in Kundalini Yoga are ONG NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO (I call upon Divine Wisdom) and SAT NAM (Truth is my identity and I call upon the eternal Truth that resides in all of us).  Tibetan Buddhists believe that chanting OM MANI PADME HUM invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion.
Invocation –An invocation is similar to a prayer in that you verbally connect with a Higher Power, but unlike a prayer, which is talking to that Higher Power; an invocation is speaking an effect into your life.  Here is one protecting example.  "I invoke the Light of God within. I am a clear and perfect channel. Light is my Guide"
Call Upon Archangel Raphael – He supervises all healing and is the Patron of all healers.  Call upon his presence in any situation where you are facilitating in a healing, or if you’re around a person in need of healing.  Remember, we all need healing in some way and many negative people are just in need of a loving and healing energy.  Let Archangel Raphael work with them.    
Consulting Your Higher Self - If you sense any negativity, ask your Higher Self if it's your own or belongs to someone else.  If it's not yours, ask that the energy be returned to its owner with full consciousness attached for their own self-discovery.
Prayers - "Spirit Most High, I love you and open myself to receive your love, light, guidance and protection.  Ascended Masters, I love you and open myself to receive your love, light, guidance and protection.  (Your name), I love you and open myself to receive your love.  And so it is."
Love Affirmations – Lower vibrations must yield to higher vibrations, so if your thoughts are on the frequency of love, people will automatically respond to that.  Some examples are, “ It is easy for me to express Love and in return, it is easily expressed back to me.” and, “I follow God's example of True Love.”

Salt Bath – Salts have very cleansing and detoxifying properties.  For a tub soak, add 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts and 10drops of essential Lavender Oil.  You could also use a salt spray by adding one part water (add more if salts don’t dissolve) to a spray bottle.  This is a great option for summer.
Smudging – Sage is Native American and can be used to cleanse your personal energy, a group of people, or your house.  Click here to learn more about its uses.  You can find sage bundles at most New Age, Metaphysical, Occult and Health Food stores.  You can also click here to purchase sage products online.  If you don’t like, or are sensitive to smoke, then perfume oils or a mist might be a better option.  Click here to view these items.
Detoxify – Detoxifying your body of toxins, chemicals and free radicals is a great way to physically protect yourself because it strengthens your body and therefore, your energetic body.  Click here to read more about detox and cleansing programs and suggestions.   
IONIC FOOT BATHS are another option to detoxify your body.  By immersing your feet (which are rich in pores and reflex points for your entire body) in a special foot bath that offers emission of polarized frequency and electrolysis, toxins in your body are eliminated.  Click here to learn more about foot detoxification.  There are numerous spas and natural health practitioners that offer this service.  One particular company that offers Ionic Foot Baths maintains a list of practitioners.  Click here to see if there are any in your area.  
Posture Awareness – Have you ever noticed how good you feel after your choice of physical activity?  That’s because you’ve dislodged stuck energy and directed it out of your body.  If you’re not moving enough, energy gets stuck in joints.  By simply paying attention to your posture, you can allow energy to flow more freely, releasing negativity.  If you’ve been sitting a while, move and stretch all your joints, then reposition yourself with a straight back, shoulders back and your head over your shoulders.  If you’re standing while interacting with others, notice your stance.  Adjust your hips directly over your knees and imagine a pole going down your spine to keep you erect.
Breathwork – Most of us do not know how to breathe properly.  Take a moment to notice where your breath goes once it enters your body.  Chances are, your shallow breath enters your lungs, causing your shoulders to rise.  The proper way to breathe is deep into your belly, causing it to distend.  Yes, who cares if it pushes your stomach out a little for 2 seconds if it’s beneficial to your body?  If your stomach is flat enough to notice that it’s pushed out when you’re breathing in, you’re definitely not overweight and nobody’s going to think you are.  Breathing can be a powerful tool for many things.  Click here to learn more about the transformational power of breath. 
Flower Essences – Flower essences are liquid oral remedies of water and brandy (as a preservative) that embody the distinct imprint, or energetic pattern of whichever flower species it contains.  It’s a form of vibrational medicine which incorporates the use of chi (life-force) energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat.  Each flower has a unique personality and healing property and those properties benefit us when we consume them.  Follow this link to learn about and/or purchase the Healing Orchid Essence, which is in the Defender Series of flower essences.  This site also contains information and purchasing options on all the most popular flower and gem essences. 
Tingshas These instruments are Tibetan hand symbols that awaken your spirit and summon peacefulness with their vibration.  Simply chime them together and invite the peace and stillness into your heart.  You can also walk through your house or office chiming them to cleanse the energy of the room.
Leaving the window open – If you’ve ever opened the window for an ill child, or in the middle of winter to let fresh air in, you already intuitively know that fresh air flowing through your home clears away stagnant energy.  Even if it’s freezing outside, opening the window a crack, even if just for a few minutes, helps to allow negative energy out and fresh energy in.
Pyramid Healing – A pyramid ushers in pranic (life-force) energy and stores it within its womb.   They are known for their healing and preserving properties.  When a Princess was recently excavated from a pyramid tomb, scientists discovered her skin cells were so well preserved, they could be brought back to life.  As a protective method, you could either envision a large pyramid surrounding your body, or you could purchase a small tabletop semi-precious stone pyramid.  Click here to view a fantastic E-bay store selling many of these items.     
Wear protective jewelry – Anything containing the following stones create a protective barrier between you and other energies.  Hematite, Apache tear, Obsidian, Mica, Smokey quartz, or Black tourmaline.  You can also carry Boji Stones, crystals made from hardened volcanic lava, or Herkimer diamonds.
Hand-shaking – No I don’t mean shaking somebody’s hand, although if you shake a lot of hands throughout the day, you may want to do this from time to time.  Whatever we touch leaves its essence on our hands.  This could be from other people, shopping carts, or a public phone.  By shaking your hands out as if trying to fling an excess of water off of them, shakes negative energy out.
Energy Combing – Simply use your fingers like a rake and comb from the crown down to the feet all around your body. 
Kenyoku/Dry Bathing - This is a Japanese Reiki Technique for purification. In Japan, before one enters a temple or sacred place, there is customarily a place near the entrance with running water which is used for ritual cleansing to purify oneself before entering.  Kenyoku means “dry bathing” and is a technique for ritual purification using energy rather than water.  Click here to view a video on how to perform Kenyoku.  
Salt Lamps – Himalayan salt lamps work by increasing the negative ion count in the air around you, which purifies the air you breathe and can help you feel tranquil and relaxed.  Click here to see or purchase the different types of salt lamps and candle holders available.
Flowers – Keeping flowers around always seems to brighten the atmosphere.  Whether you keep a bouquet in your house or office, plant them in your landscape, or carry around a dried piece of the plant; flowers have the ability to create a sense of peace.  Eucalyptus, Feverfew, Heather, Juniper & Plumeria all have protective qualities.  Hyssop wards away evil.  Lily keeps unwanted visitors away.  Mint protects you from illness.  Yarrow means health & healing.
Burn Incense – Many spiritual traditions already recognize the cleansing properties of incense.  My favorite cleansing/protecting brand is  Nag Champa which can be purchased in most Health Food, New Age/Metaphysical, Herb, Tibetan Specialty shops and convenience stores that sell incense.
Sound Therapy
Sound is a part of all creation and existence.  Even atoms vibrate at a certain frequency.  It is said “Om” is the sound of all creation and manifestation.  Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency and listening to music that vibrates at that particular frequency clears and balances that chakra.  Even in our own personal musical taste, we tend to favor music that spends most of its composition at a particular frequency.  I tend to prefer “F Chord” music, which resonates with the heart chakra.  The concept of sound therapy, is that by listening to certain frequencies, you are able to receive healing, whether it be for depression, addiction or any other issue from which you need healing and peace.  Below are a few different methods of Sound Therapy for clearing and protection.
TUNING FORKS – Click here to view the “Crystal Tuner” tuning fork, which is used to clear the aura.
TIBETAN SINGING BOWL/CRYSTAL BOWLS – These bowls use sound to bring harmony to the body and mind.  Click here to view a crystal bowl choir.  One website to purchase your own singing bowls is Singing Rainbow.  
HEALING MUSIC – Healing music blends different sound frequencies to instill peace and harmony to the listener.  Alpha Music resonates at the alpha brain wave-length.  The website offers Mp3 downloads.  Steven Halpern is a well-known Sound Therapy musician.  Click here to listen to a chakra balancing song composed by Steve.
Essential Oils – These volatile oils differ from perfume oils in that essential oils are the oils that come from the plant itself.  Different oils are used to assist different physical and emotional concerns. When choosing an essential oil for protection, be sure you are purchasing a true essential oil and not a perfume oil.  It will say it on the bottle.  Hyssop oil protects and clears unwanted energies.  Vetiver oil also protects.  Laurel Leaf oil is an incredibly powerful protector from and releaser of negative energies and physical toxins.  Lavender, Clary Sage, Patchouli, Cedar & Pine help to balance energy out, so they are also good options if you’re feeling anxious or off-kilter.  One way to protect with this method is to carry a bottle with you (as they’re rather small) and breathe in the aroma whenever you feel the need to protect and center. Another option is to add a few drops to a water spray-bottle and mist yourself or your surroundings when you need energetic refreshing.  You could also place a drop on your throat and heart chakras to amplify and support your intention to protect yourself.  Or you could place a drop anywhere you feel you are retaining energy.  Be wary of placing essential oils directly on your skin as they are quite potent and can cause a reaction.  With the exception of Lavender, I always use a carrier (massage) oil and place a few drops of the essential oil in.   
Color Therapy - Color therapy is a technique of restoring balance by applying color to the body.  It was a popular method of cure as far back as ancient times.  Some 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras applied color light therapeutically and “color halls” were used for healing in ancient Egypt, China and India.  Some popular colors for protection and grounding are: White which reflects energy thereby protecting you from receiving negative energy.  Yellow is a centering color, a happy color and associated with the will chakra.  Browns and tans are associated with earth which is grounding.  There are a few colors which are debatable and you would have to use your own judgment regarding them.  Black is known as a protective color, but some say it absorbs energy when you wear it so you should avoid this color when trying to remain in a positive state.  Green is a healing and balancing color, but it is also the color of the heart chakra which could cause this chakra to open and receive unwanted energy. 
Water Essence - Agua de Kananga (Cananga odorata) is made from the essential oil of this plant, also known as Ylang-Ylang.  It is used for protection and spiritual cleansing.  This item can be difficult to find.  A website that sells a 4oz bottle of Kananga Water Cologne for $5 is Lucky Mojo Curio Co.   
Sweep – Sweeping the floors in your house is a great way to clear out the negative energy that has settled onto your floors.  Have you ever noticed how nice your home feels when it’s just been cleaned?  It’s because you have removed all the negative energy.
Tai Chi & Qigong – Chi and Qi are two different spellings for the same concept – life force energy.  They are both slow movement forms of exercise.
TAI CHI is an ancient Chinese form of exercise and defense. It employs flowing, deliberate movements with carefully prescribed stances and positions. As an exercise, it is designed to provide relaxation by harmonizing the yin/yang principle. As a form of defense, it resembles Kung-Fu and is properly considered a Martial Art.
QIGONG OR CHI KUNG is still fairly new to the western world.  It is also an ancient Chinese form of exercise which was historically kept secret and only practiced by the wealthy elite and martial artists. It incorporates slow Yoga or Tai Chi like movements with breathing techniques. It is a form of moving meditation and helps one to understand the connection to nature, humanity and the universe.  It heals by vitalizing the tissues and creates a peaceful mind, healthy body and calm spirit.  Click here
to learn more or find a local practitioner.
EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique involves tapping with your fingers on specific meridian points on the upper body.  It can be used for anything from a headache, to PTSD to protection.  Click here to watch a video on how to do EFT tapping.  


Being grounded means that you are solidly anchored and connected in the present -
secure, calm and alert.  When you are not grounded you may feel anxious, unfocused, unable to concentrate and more susceptible to influences by the energy and emotions in your surroundings.  The following are commonly used methods for grounding your energy.

Carry stones – Carry one in your pocket throughout the day, or keep one in your purse and pull it out when needed.  You could also wear jewelry containing one of the grounding stones.  Another method is to place a stone on the pubic bone, or between your legs if you’re sitting.  Some grounding stones are agate, obsidian, hematite, dark tourmaline, onyx, tiger’s eye, jasper, garnet, ruby and bloodstone. 
Hold a piece of the earth – Clay, granite, petrified wood, iron ores, flowers, etc.
Hug a tree – Oak trees are the most grounding because of their strong energy, hence the term “the mighty oak.”
Eat – Really you could eat anything because it all comes from the earth, but I prefer the most natural, organic food with the least amount of ingredients.  Some suggestions are nuts, root vegetables, granola bars, cakes or crackers.
Gardening – Whether it’s digging deep into the earth or planting a container garden, using your hands to connect with the earth is deeply grounding.
Walk on the earth in barefeet
Stamp your feet or dance wildly
Tree meditation – Imagine you are a tree.  See and feel your roots extending deep into the earth.  Pull up through your roots, the solid, grounding energy of the earth until it reaches the tips of your leaves.
Silver cord visualization - Send a silver cord from, (in female energy, the reproductive chakra...with male energy, the base chakra) deep down into the earth, watching it until it stops.   Then release all negativity into the cord and when you’re done, breathe Mother Earth's energy up into yourself through the tube.
Rolling up your “Hara” – This is the Traditional Chinese Medical term for “center of your being” and is located about 2 inches below the bellybutton.  It acts as an umbilical cord, receiving information from the world around you and sometimes it can pull in negative energy.  Roll it up and place it back inside your body.  To find out more about the Hara and how it works, click here.  
Donna Eden's “zip up” – Based on the meridian that runs from the pubic bone to the bottom of the lip.  Simply zip up the front of your aura to protect your chakras.  This can be done whenever you feel exposed, or as a grounding technique after a healing session.  Click here to view a video on this technique.  
Breathwork – Deep breathing, breathing in positive energy, breathing out negativity.  Breathing in calm, breathing out anxiety.


The following list is a small taste of the different healing modalities one could become trained to use for themselves or others.  It is by no means a complete list.

Reiki – A Japanese laying on of hands technique, Reiki uses life force energy on the chakras to heal.  To share Reiki with yourself and others, you must be “attuned” by a Reiki Master/Teacher. 
RYSE – Realizing Your Sublime Energies is an energy system that clears and alignes your energy.  Developed by Nancy Risley in 1987, RYSE is currently taught at her school, Spa Tech Institute located throughout Massachusetts and Maine.  
Psych-K – This is characterized as a kind of spiritual process with psychological benefits.  It maintains the belief that the ultimate source of our mental, emotional, and physical difficulties can often be sourced to our belief in the illusion of separation from our divinity.  Psych-K is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a divine being having a human experience.” ~ Robert M. Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®  An affirmation from this method is, "I attract and allow only positive influences and energies.” 
Pranic Healing – This is a system of energy medicine developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui that utilizes prana (life force energy) to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy.  Click here to visit the website.   
Auric Surgery – This is an energetic method that removes specific blockages in your auric body in order to allow energy to flow freely.  Click here to read an online manual on how to perform Soul Surgery.  Heartmath - EmWave technology improves wellness and facilitates personal growth by learning to control your physiology with breathing techniques, controlling your heart rhythms and focusing on positive emotions.  Click here to visit the website.  
Theta Healing – Theta brain waves are the deepest brain waves we experience.  It’s the state of mind we experience during dreamtime, or deep hypnosis.  This healing modality teaches you to tap into this space in order to connect to the energy of all that is, the Creator.  Click here to visit the official website. 
Matrix Reimprinting - This is a brand new Meridian Tapping Therapy that evolved from EFT.  It is effective for the treatment of emotional or physical issues and can be used to manifest your goals and dreams.  The Matrix Reimprinting website is full of information on this new technique, the book, how to become a practitioner and offers free webinars.
There are, of course, numerous other methods for protecting and centering your energy body that are not listed here.  I tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, but there are new healing modalities developed regularly throughout the world and even with as much research as I do, it’s hard to keep up with all the new information.  If you know of any other methods, please feel free to comment below!

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