Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Moon Magic 5/17/11

May Moon Names

Algonquin/Colonial - Flower Moon
English/Medieval - Hare Moon
Neo-Pagan - Grass Moon
Buddhist - Vesak Moon
Other Names - Planting Moon; Milk Moon

May Moon Correspondence

Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow
Gemstones: Ruby, Garnet, Amber, Apache tear
Trees: Hawthorn, Rowan
Gods: Kali, Priapus, Cernunnos, Flora
Herbs: Cinnamon, members of the mint family
Element: Fire

Full moon's have always been times of mystery, magic, secrecy and uncanny powers.  People in the criminal justice and healthcare fields can dread the time of a full moon as it can be viewed as "bringing out the crazies."  This is true, as the energy of a full moon magnifies what's already going on within us.  If we are riddled with unrest and psychic illness, those emotions will take over and magnify within us.  Alternately, if our psyche is full of peace and health, that will also magnify during a full moon. 

This month's full moon will peak tonight, Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 6:09pm EST.  The moon is currently in the sign of Scorpio, which rules the mind's subconscious, is a powerful time for psychic abilities, power of expression and extremes of behavior. 

During this week, drama and emotional outbursts can manifest if you're not careful to keep your "fire" in check.  This is also a time of regeneration and rebirth and with that, comes releasing fears, or anything that no longer serves you.  Change is in the stars and our thoughts create our reality, so keep them positive and welcome any transitions with an open heart and know it will all work out for the good of all.

I'd like to touch upon this week's card reading by Doreen Virtue.  I've included the link below if you'd like to watch the reading for yourself.  The angels are really right on the dot with their guidance and it's in harmony with what is going on planetarily. 

Change in Direction - Divinely guided willingness to open your heart.  Protection now and in the future.  Questioning why things are the way they are in your life.

Entrepreneur - Self-employment suits disposition and intentions.  Follow intuition/divine guidance.  Many will be quitting their jobs to follow their passions.

Daydream - You can more easily hear & receive the angel's messages if you daydream regularly.  Notice feelings, visions and ideas.  This is the seat of creativity.  Daydreaming is done with your imagination, which I discussed in my last article.  I am hearing the spirit realm really desires for us to use our imagination and daydream regularly to open our lines of communication with our spirit guide/angelic team.

Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance with the Angels

I'd also like to mention that garnet is one of the gemstone correspondences for this month's moon and is associated with the Archangel Nathaniel.  This Archangel, whom I mentioned in my last article as a personal guardian of mine, has been assisting humanity more often these days - most likely because of the large influx of Indigo's currently incarnated on the planet.  Nathaniel means "Gift of God" and he's the Archangel of life purpose.  His element is fire, which happens to be this month's moon element.  He continually watches for spiritual fires of aspiration rising from us and helps to burn away old thoughts and misconceptions that cause us to believe that we are separate from our Source. He enjoys shifting your life quickly and profoundly to better connect you to your true self and your true purpose.

“Hold on tight to your dreams and goals. If you have asked for my help, you are on the way to seeing them manifest. If you have not asked me yet, do so now and we will create them together for your highest good. But remember, if you do ask me for help, think big. My team and I like a challenge. It gives us a chance to prove to you miracles do come true and it is the most fun all of us can have in making change happen.”– as channeled by Lisa Beachy

Work with Archangel Nathaniel and keep a piece of garnet with you to magnify the lower chakras and help achieve your life's desires and pursue your life path.  Garnet has historically been used to help one with passion, success and self-esteem - all needed to pursue your life path.

The color correspondences associated with this month's full moon is red, orange and yellow.  These colors vibrate at the frequency of the 1st/root chakra, 2nd/sacral chakra, and 3rd/will or solarplex chakra.  These colors are completely in line with everything I've discussed so far (I just get so excited when I discover synchronicities in signs from above).  The root chakra works with stability, job success and finances.  The sacral chakra works with your passion.  The will chakra is self-explanatory - it deals with your confidence and self-esteem.  It's important now to strengthen these chakras and get the kundalini/energy moving throughout them.  Follow this link to take a short quiz to discover if these chakras are already strong in you, or if they need some attention.  At the end of this article, I've included links of videos that help balance that particular chakra.

Activities for this month's full-moon

This information was mostly gathered from here

     Fire Gazing - Sit before a roaring fire.  Ask your question.  Gaze into the flames while your fire burns down.  Within the flames or the embers below, images of the future may appear.  You only need to do this for about five minutes, but there's no need to limit yourself.

     Burnings - Write a question on a small piece of paper.  Place it face down on a flat, heat-proof surface.  Light one corner of the paper.  If the entire paper burns, the answer is yes.  If only part of the paper is destroyed, the answer is no. 
You can also write something you would like to release on a piece of paper and burn the paper to release it into the universe.  Bury the remainder of the paper.

     Candles - Light a tapered candle (traditionally white or silver, but this month you can also use red, orange or yellow).  Sit or stand before it and search for signs from the flame itself and its wick.  If the flame seems dim, it may be best to hold off on plans for the time-being.  An extremely bright flame is a sign of good fortune, but if it quickly grows smaller, the luck will be temporary.  If the flame waves about, a great change in circumstances is foretold.  A spark visible in the wick indicates the imminent arrival of good news.  If the flame turns in a circle or seems to form a spiral, danger is forcast.  A flame around the flame indicates an approaching storm
Another method of reading candles involves watching the manner in which the wax drips down the candle sides.  Ask a yes or no question.  If the wax drips only on the left side, the answer is no.  If on the right, yes.  If equally on both sides, no response is possible.  If no wax drips, ask again later. 
You can also focus on a timeline question.  When you feel you have been given the answer, squash the flame.  Count how many drips are going down the candle.  This is your answer in either days, weeks, months, or years.  You'll have to use your intuition to determine which one it is.

     Smoke - This method is known as "smoke reading." Light a candle. Pass a plain white card through the flames three times while asking a question. (do this quickly to avoid setting the card on fire.) Interpret the resulting carbon deposits left on the underside of the card with symbolic thought.
Build a fire outside in a safe place while asking a yes/no question. Watch the smoke. If it rises straight and lightly into the air, a positive answer has been received. If, however, it hangs heavily around the fire, the reverse is true.

     Ashes - Collect ashes from dead fires or the fire place. Outside, in a place where the wind usually blows at some time, scatter the ashes in a rectagular shape on the ground. While asking your question regarding the future, use your finger to write the word yes in the ashes to the right and no to the left. Leave them undisturbed overnight.  In the morning, study the ashes. If both words are clearly legible, no answer is possible at this time. If one has been erased by animal tracks, the wind or by some other force, the remaining word reveals the answer to your question. If both words are gone, again, no answer has been given.

SAMPLE AFFIRMATION: My spiritual fire is transformed into my Higher Self. I AM everything I always desired to be.

SAMPLE PRAYER: Nathaniel, Angel of Fire, I turn to you to ignite my inner self and all the energies within me with a presence that transforms into my Higher Self. I know I can be better, do better and live better. The fire that dwells within me seeks to transform into something beautiful, radiant and wonderful. I ask for assistance in this prayer.

The above affirmation & prayer came from here

Questions to ask yourself this week:

-Am I suffering from fears that are holding me back?
-Is my current job fulfilling my spirit desires?
-Am I living my passion?
-Are there any issues I have been avoiding that need to be released?
-Am I hearing divine guidance or do I need to daydream more?
-Am I full of peace and harmony or do I need to take more time to balance myself?
A short video with classical music and written peace affirmations

To participate in a FREE live online event with Charles Virtue: Manifesting with Archangel Nathaniel click here

These links below use sound therapy to strengthen and balance that particular chakra.

1st/Root Chakra Balance Video

2nd/Sacral Chakra Balance Video

3rd/Will Chakra Balance Video

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